The Reconstruction and Significance of the Public Dialogue for Governing Members (and Governments)

Policy makers, if they want to maintain leadership positions with greater ease and build respect, trust, and longevity into their political office, career, and institution, would make themselves as available to listening to the public, at the very least, if not actively communicating with them at the very most.  Imagine Twitter and Vine accounts (multiple) for Congressional, Executive, and Judicial offices?  Imagine issuing a phone to low income people dedicated to Twitter, Vine, and YouTube access.  Imagine putting direct communication feedback and having funds for staff available to watch these channels (and others) constantly?  Imagine using big data processing techniques to generate word clouds and statistical analysis of these sentiments, expressed across the nation?

No need for spying.

Simply let the people have a voice, and listen to what they have to say, good, bad, or indifferent.  This can be done in real time, not only through polls and election results.  Include the local dialogue of communities, within and amongst communities.

Listen to what people are saying, rather than manipulating or telling them what to say, and tease out their actual needs and wants through the dialogue.  Feel free to use these methods of communication to get your own word and message out.  But please, recognize that you’re the insignificant voice out there, who should be doing more listening and less talking.  The government is simply the guide of the public, serving at the public’s will and discretion.  The public may be allowed to get rid of a good government, and be bashed around by pretenders, idiots, and generally ignorant people.  But always be willing to take the society back when and if it begins to crave good government.  Give them tastes of the best governmental function that you can give them.  Watch how they respond to the love, care, and genuine skill and effectiveness.

Therefore, always listen to the society and do not attempt to put words and sentiments in their mouths and heads that aren’t really there.  Express your reasoning honestly, and listen to their reasoning and sentiments as well.

This is a method for ensuring longevity of regime, longevity of institutions, and longevity of people within institutions.  It is flexible, adjusting to the times and the needs, rather than imposing or seeking to impose upon the other that is the whole human society around the institution(s) and people in question.

See on Scoop.itIt Comes Undone-Think About It

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