Tag Archive | Idiots

The [Real] Facts

We’re governed by a group of non-adaptive, non-responsive, anti-democratic and generally clueless, senseless and/or ballsless group of imitators and pretend leaders.  They are either incompetent and stupid at the best, malevolent and callously self-destructive at worst.

We’re not going to survive if we don’t start getting our individual and collective acts together.  We will not survive, so long as we let private interests, conservatives and ideologues govern our world and make decisions which impact us all.  We need leaders who care, are concerned, are willing and able to see ways to effectively help and are bold enough to help over the complaints and concerns of the private elite who’d destroy us all for the sake of a little extra profit or a little extra prestige and relative power for their own small selves.

We are going to self-eliminate as a species, if we continue to allow these brain types to govern our private and public spaces.  There is no room for compromise when it comes to walking between survival and death.  It appears that this is precisely what Barack Obama, the Democrats in Congress and the Republicans seem to be attempting to do, with the apparent blessing and encouragement of the 1%, 0.1% and 0.01%.  There appears to be a disagreement as to what’s to be specifically done at the finer points only.  However, the general questions which will lead to either our actual salvation or death remain answered in such a way as would cause our individual and collective death.  There is no official person or Party in the United States and elsewhere that will stand up to the private elites in a meaningful and effective manner; no official opposition to the Capitalists and the Cult of Money.

This is their biggest danger, because without this natural check, they will either be seriously surprised to find opposition growing out of the unofficial corners of society.  Even if that should fail (and it’s very likely to fail, in the grand scheme of things), the environment will consume us all and leave only the survivors behind to make their imperfect way forward in the wreck and debris of the current incarnation of our civilizations.

The human essence of all of our civilizations will likely live on.  The question is what will be left, and what shall grow up in the place of this sudden loss of information, knowledge, and lifestyles?  Ironic that it is the conservatives who bring the most amount of unnecessary and avoidable change to our world through their clinging to an imagined vision of how the world was.  No productivity for the future, no thought, concern or sense for the present, and only a hallucinated and cherry-picked image of the past to focus on.  A sad bunch of people, and a sadder set of leaders from any party or faction.  Best to find out what is neurologically distinctive about these people and to get them checked into psychiatric care, in spite of being otherwise functional.  They are neither fit for governing, nor are they fit for holding real responsibility, power and influence in any of our worlds.

And, it is all thanks to their brains that they behave in this fashion.

Think about it.

Small Selfish “People”

Small Selfish “People”

The Right just doesn’t get it.

It’s all just for them personally; all for their small, petty “self”.

No one else matters to conservatives, really.

Hell, if Netanyahu has demonstrated anything, it barely even applies to immediate family.

All for the sake of his small self.

And no one else.

Think about it.

Because that balcony in EAST Jerusalem is more of a security threat to Israel than all of these missiles.

The missiles are just the symptom of the problems, the balcony is the cause of the problems.

Think about it.

Of Bullying Men and Sour Women

A war has a certain number of prerequisites before it can be fought for the well being of the general public.  The first is preparation.  A nation must be ready to fight at a moment’s notice.  To this end, domestic policies should be devoted towards the maintenance of peace, sustainability and relative independence from other countries.  This means that the government must be protecting the general public from the ravages of the private elite and criminal classes, otherwise, the government is likely to fall prey to another country who’d take advantage of the nation’s weakened social state or fall victim to their own people (which, then, opens the door to foreign intervention and the relative loss of sovereignty).

Once a country is domestically powerful (and it must be so on a well practiced and practically automatic level), the government can then turn some of its attention to issues overseas.  We are all living on the same planet, after all, and we’re using the same resources, breathing the same air, drinking the same water, etc etc.  Therefore, it would behoove countries to basically get along with one another and cooperate rather than act as if the other is not there and work against each other in competition, especially when it comes down to these global problems which effect, or will effect, us all.

Wars, therefore, are best fought defensively and never offensively to conquer, take or exert unnatural influence over another group of people. 

With this in mind, we can look at the general process of fighting a truly effective war, which minimizes losses, is quick, decisive and puts the threatening power in check relative to its own people and to the world’s population as a whole.  If you’re fighting the war appropriately, you should be greeted as liberators and be able and willing to maintain the necessary courses of action to make you be so.  It’s more involved than paying lip service to public relations and it’s more substantial and effective than anything that public relations could cook up on its own.  This is because this version of warfare relies on working with the empirical world, regardless of the intensity and seeks to preserve a peaceful existence in which we’re all able to live together on this rock socially and without major incident. 

This is the only direction of warfare that is truly reliable and able to maintain itself, I think, after looking at the course of history.  All other forms of warfare are self-defeating because they negate the essential essence of the universe and each other.  Without seeing the other as being apart of yourself; without recognizing that what you do to the other effects you and, without knowledge, understanding or genuine compassion being felt towards the other that you’re interacting with, you will only do harm to that other and, thus, do harm to your own self in the long term (which becomes the short term in due time).

American generals don’t know how to fight wars.  Neither do their civilian “leaders.”  They don’t know what to fight, whom to fight or how to fight.  All they seem to know is to blast technologically weaker powers into submission by force without any care or concern for the conditions of those people, which then boils into the native, insurgent popular resistance that defeated us in Cuba, Vietnam, Iran, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, the works.  We can add to this by looking at the English experience around the world, especially with their next door neighbor, Ireland, or the French experience in Africa.  The concept of “empire over land, sea and air” is obsolete and never really worked too well for those who were too chimpish to resist going after such a venture.

Now, you can point to the so-called “liberals” and say that they’re going after the same courses of actions as the conservatives (ex. Somalia, Israel and the Balkans).  But even these “higher aim” missions (if they were really higher aim at all), were just as beset by bigotry, carelessness and, in these cases, fashionable charity-case making.  It disrespects a people’s ability to function on their own and to work themselves out in their own logic.  Could technical assistence be sent to places to help?  Absolutely, in my eyes.  But it has to be about the other and not your own missionary mission; it can’t be about making others be as you are, no matter how much you may like yourself and your cultural customs.  It’s disrespectful, tremendously presumptuous and, at the end of the day, you only end up with the whacked out people running the place who are neither organic or legitimate in the eyes of the general public of that given society.  In other words, you’re left with a bunch of poodles with make-up on them, trying to be alphas over a pack of wolves.  The wolves will more likely not accept them, pass harsh judgement on them and, perhaps, even work to kill or eliminate them from the society.  This has been the traditional case in history from Vietnam, to South Korea to South and Central America to Africa.  These are the results of experimenting with imperialism: nothing but wreck and ruin for both sides, the possibility of complete defeat of the imperialist by the rest of the world and little to no progress in spreading your values or ideals, no matter how nice and grand you may think they are.  As a matter of fact, imperialism or illegitimate militant humanitarianism may actually regress a society away from your wishes, desires and hopes, simply because they are less likely to look upon your culture, your values and your beliefs favorably as a result of your potentially unwanted actions.

To this date, the United States government has either been a mean, bullying and out of control male figure, or a sour, conniving and callously cruel woman, both of whom neglect their people who are behind at home and to all other people they share the planet with.  I mainly think this is because of the types of people that we hire on to run our government on a domestic as well as international level.  They’re proving toxic to our well being as individuals and our well being as a nation amongst others.  It’s time that we get both of these types out of power, out of office and sent to a new home in a mental institution where they won’t be able to cause real harm onto anyone again.

Soooo sick of this nonsense coming from those who want to neither serve the public at the most or serve themselves in the real sense on the smaller scale.


Think about it.